full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris Downey: Design with the blind in mind

Unscramble the Blue Letters

All this really surprised me, because I started to realize that my unsighted experienced was so far more multi-sensory than my sgteihd experience ever was. What struck me also was how much the city was cagnnhig around me. When you're sighted, everybody kind of scitks to themselves, you mind your own business. Lose your sight, though, and it's a whole other story. And I don't know who's watching who, but I have a suspicion that a lot of people are watching me. And I'm not paranoid, but everywhere I go, I'm getting all sorts of advice: Go here, move there, watch out for this. A lot of the information is good. Some of it's helpful. A lot of it's kind of reversed. You've got to figure out what they actually mneat. Some of it's kind of wrong and not huflepl. But it's all good in the grand scheme of things.

Open Cloze

All this really surprised me, because I started to realize that my unsighted experienced was so far more multi-sensory than my _______ experience ever was. What struck me also was how much the city was ________ around me. When you're sighted, everybody kind of ______ to themselves, you mind your own business. Lose your sight, though, and it's a whole other story. And I don't know who's watching who, but I have a suspicion that a lot of people are watching me. And I'm not paranoid, but everywhere I go, I'm getting all sorts of advice: Go here, move there, watch out for this. A lot of the information is good. Some of it's helpful. A lot of it's kind of reversed. You've got to figure out what they actually _____. Some of it's kind of wrong and not _______. But it's all good in the grand scheme of things.


  1. meant
  2. helpful
  3. sticks
  4. changing
  5. sighted

Original Text

All this really surprised me, because I started to realize that my unsighted experienced was so far more multi-sensory than my sighted experience ever was. What struck me also was how much the city was changing around me. When you're sighted, everybody kind of sticks to themselves, you mind your own business. Lose your sight, though, and it's a whole other story. And I don't know who's watching who, but I have a suspicion that a lot of people are watching me. And I'm not paranoid, but everywhere I go, I'm getting all sorts of advice: Go here, move there, watch out for this. A lot of the information is good. Some of it's helpful. A lot of it's kind of reversed. You've got to figure out what they actually meant. Some of it's kind of wrong and not helpful. But it's all good in the grand scheme of things.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
audible pedestrian 2
sighted experience 2
unsighted experience 2
short period 2
pretty cool 2

Important Words

  1. business
  2. changing
  3. city
  4. experience
  5. experienced
  6. figure
  7. good
  8. grand
  9. helpful
  10. information
  11. kind
  12. lose
  13. lot
  14. meant
  15. mind
  16. move
  17. paranoid
  18. people
  19. realize
  20. reversed
  21. scheme
  22. sight
  23. sighted
  24. sorts
  25. started
  26. sticks
  27. story
  28. struck
  29. surprised
  30. suspicion
  31. unsighted
  32. watch
  33. watching
  34. wrong